08.00-08.30Drop-in och morgonkaffe
08.30-08.35Välkommen till vårmötet
Smärtläkarföreningens styrelse och dagens moderator Karin Jensen, professor i klinisk neurovetenskap, Karolinska Institutet
08.35-09.10Funktionella tillstånd – ett svenskt perspektiv
Carl Sjöström, specialist i Rehabiliteringsmedicin och Psykiatri Gävleborg. Grundare av Funktionella listan
09.15-10.00Treatment of functional disorders and Pain – the Danish Model
Per Fink, prof. and medical director of Department of Functional Disorders, Aarhus University Hospital.
Part one: Scientific background for the concept of functional disorder and the relation between functional disorder and the ICD-11 diagnosis for Chronic Widespread Pain
10.20-10.50Part two: Development of and present status for the Danish Organisation. Interdisciplinary treatment adults with functional disorders
10.55-11.40Primary Care Interventions for Persistent Symptoms and functional disorders
Marianne Rosendal, PhD and senior researcher, Department of Functional Disorders, Aarhus University Hospital and the Research Unit for General Practice, Aarhus.
The primary care perspective and how to target prevention and treatment in this setting. The Danish Society for Functional Disorders
11.40-12.30→ Lunch
12.30-13.30Functional Disorders in Children and Adolescents – Organisation and Treatment
Charlotte Rask, prof. and leading consultant and Karen Kallesøe, senior researcher and ward, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Aarhus University Hospital Psychiatry
The Danish organization of assessment and treatment of youth with functional disorders with a special emphasis on developmental issues, family work and involvement of the professional network around the young person
13.35-14.00Smärtanalys och begreppet ”funktionellt” – en problematisering
Emmanuel Bäckryd, Bitr Professor, överläkare Smärt- och rehabiliteringscentrum, Universitetssjukhuset i Linköping
14.20-14.40Concluding Remarks from Aarhus
Per Fink, Marianne Rosendal, Charlotte Rask and Karen Kallesøe
14.45-15.30Reflektioner och nästa steg

Jag kan inte ha det så här!
Arwa Josefsson, specialist i allmänmedicin och psykiatri, leg. psykoterapeut

Arwa Josefsson, Carl Sjöström, Emmanuel Bäckryd. Moderator Karin Jensen.

15.30Dagen avslutas